Monday, March 21, 2011

March 2011

This is Tyler at 17 months, and being more and more mischevious and his brain is like a sponge now! He'd immitate us while hubby and I were talking and we should watch our language with him around :P At 17 months, he likes going through stuff, taking it out and placed it elsewhere! It happened to my DVD, aircond or TV remote all the time, it'd be quite frustrating sometimes.

Making funny faces...

He enjoys taking on "toy rides" in the shopping centres, the pictures above showed him while he was HIGH on the rides :P
Both hubby and my birthday fall in March, actually I'm just older by a week hehehehhehe Last week, it was my birthday, but we didn't do anything much as Tyler wasn't feeling well and he gets moody when we're out, so we couldn't do much.
This week, Tyler was much better (finally..) so we could all go out to celebrate hubby's birthday. Hubby had the best birthday ever, as he got to celebrate 3 days in a row prior to the actual date, as he claimed :P First was in Holiday Inn, then the following day in Buntal and the actual day in Lok Thian.

He got his first Rolex at 29, given by his parents =)

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