Friday, December 16, 2011

Long Overdue Post

It's been a while since I last update this blog, mainly because I'm busy, and partly because I'm lazy as well. I can't believe how time flies, and now my baby is already 2 years old, and to be exact, he's now 26 months and 26 days old. There are quite a lot of developments from Tyler within these 4 months, especially vocally. He can now say and recognize 1-10, he is able to sing ABC (the whole song, though some pronunciation is inaccurate) he can also sing Twinkle twinkle. Definitely very proud of his progress, but not very proud when he also downloaded bad words. Heard him saying, "Fuck" "Cibai" "Shit" and "Asshole" hmmm... i guessed he downloaded when he heard daddy swears :(

This pic was the very first time when he wanted Daddy to put him to bed and he lay sleeping in daddy's arms. However, this memorable incident only happened once, partly because he gets longer to sleep when he's always playing and ended up sleeping late. Oh yes, he also wanted Daddy to bath him yesterday for the first time after he turned 2. I guess he found the excitement when he and daddy share something in common :p

This is one of those days when he is "very attached" to his monkey friend where we got from Singapore with a "Teddy Birth Cert" and it ain't cheap! Tyler would insist on bringing his "friend" to join his outing to grandparents house. Oh yes, lately, he is able to sit in the car with safety belt if he's not on his car seat, but does not applicable in daddy's car. I absolutely do not know the reason.

The first thing he got into grandparents' home, he'd look for his dear cousin Jayden. It seems that he's more comfortable with kids he sees more often, but he's very scared of kids his own age when they first meet and he actually get along better with grown ups. I hope he'll be ok when he goes to play school next time.

His current obsession in the car when he's bored, is to suck his finger and holding on to my thumb. The cutest thing is he'll say "Bo-Bo Thumb!!!" Bo-BO means bo-rrow, in Tyler's terms. He's current obsession in toys is now "Thomas and Friends" and he has 2 big train tracks, and when next week comes, he'll be getting 2 more big sets from us and his grandad-Ong for Christmas presents. He only likes watching the opening theme for the Thomas cartoons and gets bored after or he'll be so scared when he sees "Sir Tophamm Hatt" that's Thomas's Taukey :P

Look at how grown up my baby is, love him to bits...

Occasionally he wants daddy to feed him...

Meet Damien Ang, son to Jerry and Suri. This picture was taken when Damien was 5 months old. Isn't he a cutie? I was so worried Tyler might crush him coz Damien is still so fragile. It wasn't easy to take good pics of them, luckily I was able to get some out of hundred shots :P

Look at Tyler's Elmo's clan for his 2nd birthday pressies, from hubby and I and also Unc. Jason & Unc. Jon for the Elmo drum. I'd say he has almost all the Elmo collections. I can seriously open toy stores out of Tyler's Toy collections.

My baby turned two!!! and the pretty Thomas cake made by a friend, Priscilla Chuo.

Birthday Boy giving his guest a kiss :x

This is messy, but it's his birthday, so he's allowed to do that for that night, by the way, before this, he messed up the Thomas fondant already, this dessert is just to keep him occupied after we took away his Thomas :) Another special event to commemorate this special day is that hubby finally quit smoking on the day Tyler turned 2 and he managed it well till now, though he's still using Niquittin 21mg, but I'm so very very proud of him. Love my 2 boys in my life very much.

(Note: hubby is still referred as "boy", that's no mistake, till you see his toys collections, then you tell me if I'm wrong! =) )