Friday, April 23, 2010

Tyler's mobility at 5 months plus

This was captured 4 days before he turned 6 months of age and I'm amazed at the speed of his mobility.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crawl attempt

Tyler is now officially 25 weeks old, this week attempt was to start crawling, yeayyy. So proud of his development, many older generation people would be suprise at this development rate. Well, I don't know... perhaps the technology these days are more advance in terms of food processing e.g more nutrition in formula milk?? I seriously don't know, I'm just guessing. He could walk very far in his walker already, at first I was quite worried that he would skipped crawling if I were to introduce a walker too soon...

This is very first few attempts caught in camera. Though he's trying, it's just one step forward only.

Tyler with his whole body up, supported by his arms and legs.

Getting tired after one try, well, it's a good practice for him at least to stretch his muscle!

I think he is proud of his own achievement as well, thus the happy face. "I did it, mummy!!"

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tyler at 5 months

I've not been writing for the past 3 weeks coz Tyler has been sick when he turned 5 months on the 21st March 2010. He came down with Flu and cough =( When Tyler turned 5 months old, hubby turned 28 as well. Unfortunately, we couldnt really celebrate hubby's b-day coz we were at home taking care of Tyler.

Since hubby is not a cake person, I made him Konnyaku with canned Lychee. He doesnt take cake, only a few, namely, simple butter cake with no cream at all, chiffon cake, swiss roll and that's about all. So, making him Konnyaku is much easier and he likes eating it at least :p

This pic was taken when he was still sick and I've been at home with him for 5 days. He's a good baby even when he's sick. He didn't trouble me at all, but it's so sad to see him suffer when he had blocked nose, plus he cough with phelgm, and he's so small and didnt know how to dispose the mucus. He lost his appetite as well and his weight dropped 200 gm in 2 days.

He's still able to play and pose with me for good pics. That's my boy!

His first try on his rocking chair, but didnt like sitting in it after 2 days =(

Luckily, he put on his normal weight when he recovers. He's now learning to crawl, and he can push himself up with his hands and push his butt up with his legs for a few seconds. However, it scares me to see how he pushes himself up, look at the picture above, one of his hands are bend the other way around, so everytime I had to correct that posture in case he injures himself one day, which I really hope not.

He likes to put every single thing he grabs in his mouth, including his walker. Usually the buttons are to be pushed so that music will be played, but Tyler uses his tongue to push the button. hmmmm messy isnt? boys will be boys, I guess.

Couldnt resist taking this picture when he just woke up in the morning, playing with his toys.

This is his new toy, now he likes keysss

Oh yea, sometimes, nowadays, Tyler does help around when I clean him, heheheh, he helped me carry his legs while I do the cleanning.